June 6th, 2010, 7:44PM by nat | 7 comments
I can hardly believe that Satoh Satoru Illustration Works and YUKIRIN Art Works not only came from the same publisher, but also the same art book series, as the two books are worlds apart in both quality and content. Satoh Satoru Illustration Works includes everything from her Tsukushite Agerunoni! (つくしてあげるのに!) illustrations, to K-BOOKS and Toranoana promotional art works to the cover arts from her own doujinshi releases.
Satoh Satoru Illustration Works is A4 is size and 132 pages in length. And strangely for an art book, that number includes the front and back covers. The art book is full color up until the last part starting at page 115, which includes a combination of sketches, monochrome illustrations, and an interview with the artist.
The art book is divided into six "chapters", each with a different topic of art work, except for the last one which is just the interview. The first chapter features illustrations from the gal-game Tsukushite Agerunoni! (つくしてあげるのに!) and Tsukushite Agerunoni! PLUS and covers pages 6 through 31. There is some nudity in this section, but the characters are dressed for the most part. The two-page spread illustrations in this book aren't printed with overlap, so unfortunately many of them look quite cut off in the center.
The second chapter is for Tsun na Kanojo, Dere na Kanojo (ツンな彼女 デレな彼女) whose character designs are remarkably similar to the girls in the first chapter. In fact, flipping through I didn't even notice the change in section and had to refer to the contents to straighten myself out ^^; This section spans from pages 32 through 61, and has a bit more nudity than the first chapter. There's also one severely up-scaled illustration on page 48. I'm hoping this isn't the beginning of a bad trend from PUSH! Selection art books...
The next chapter titled "Another Works Illustration" is the kind of stuff I was hoping to find in this art book when I decided to buy it. It features Satoh Satoru's art works from a variety of different publications like Etsu, the Moe Moe book series, and Dengeki MOEOH along with promotional illustrations for K-BOOKS, Toranoana, and Melonbooks.
The last color illustration section came as a surprise, aptly titled "Doujin Works Illustrations" it includes her doujinshi art works, some going all the way back to 2003 (but still looking awesome). The first half of this 34-page section includes her bishoujo works, and the second half includes her shota works, which was very unexpected. But all the art work in this section good clean fun, so no worries about seeing something you can't unsee ^_~
Satoh Satoru Illustration Works finishes with 15 pages of sketches and a six-page interview. There isn't an index, as the illustration information is provided next to the images in the book. Overall, I'm glad I didn't write off PUSH! Selection publications just because of YUKIRIN Art Works because Satoh Satoru Illustration Works turned out to be a real gem of an art book ^^
- Title: Satoh Satoru Illustration Works
- タイトル: さとーさとるイラストワークス
- Pages: 132 (including covers)
- Release date: 05/26/2010
- Buy: Amazon Japan
14 years, 9 months ago
Is it Sato Satoru or Satoh Satoru? This page says both! (Category name)
14 years, 9 months ago
Cover seems to state Satoh, that might not be the correct romanization though, I don't know.
14 years, 9 months ago
Both are fine! One was the cover spelling, the other is the common spelling you'll find when searching. All depends on how you choose to romanize さとーさとる.
14 years, 9 months ago
Wow many thanks for the review! My local Kinokuniya's having a 20% and this is one DEFINITE acquisition! :)
14 years, 9 months ago
Instant gratification! I wish I lived near a Kinokuniya too :3
14 years, 9 months ago
Looks decent! Gotta put it on my "to buy" list :3
14 years, 6 months ago
A book I ordered the other day wasn't available so I replaced that part of my order with this one since your review of it seems pretty darn good. Thanks for helping me decide. XD