
Yoshikatsu Mishima's VALKYRIES

October 1st, 2009, 11:40AM by nat | 7 comments

White Bikini and Sword

VALKYRIES is a full color, gorgeous collection of illustrations by Yoshikatsu Mishima. Though only B5 size and 26 pages in length, each illustration stays on theme and really packs a punch!

Valkyries Cover Daggers and Flowers

Human Weapon Sword and not much else...

I'd never heard of this artist before Comiket 76, but this is definitely one on my watch list now. The theme of this collection is Valkyries, and though they are not in the traditional style you'd expect, each girl carries a weapon to show her warrior nature.

Fantasy WarriorWhite Bikini and SwordOut of Armor

Archer in the ForestArmed with HeadhponesSpear Wielder

The pictures at the front of the book give the most impact, with well designed costumes as well as appropriate backgrounds.


Maid X LIGHTNINGMaid X Earth ShakerMaid X QUEEN

The latter half of the book contains warrior gals dressed in maid costumes wielding weapons. Certainly not something I expected to see when I first bought the book.


Though initially I found the maids a bit lackluster compared to the illustrations at the beginning of the book, I grew to like it more, noticing the details in the weapons and the subtle differences in maid costume for each of the characters.

Pirate Maid

The book ends on a couple of fuller illustrations of the maid Valkyrie characters.


I really do plan to follow this artist now, and maybe even see if it's possible to collect some of the back full color volumes that are available. What do you think, is this a 'must have' collection? :D



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Avatar for Tsuki88

15 years, 5 months ago


I hate those type of pages without the background, especially in this one, the font, size and placement is all wrong to me. If you're paying for an artbook they should make it all top quality too! XD

Avatar for nat

15 years, 5 months ago


Heh, you'd be surprised but there are a lot of commercial art books that have illustrations on white backgrounds. Not all artists can draw backgrounds, and often times, when the background is drawn by someone else, they don't have the rights to re-publish it in their art book so the characters end up on white.

Though that's not the case here ^^;

Avatar for Gii

15 years, 5 months ago


I wouldn't have it on my must have list. I like the way he colors hair though, reminds me of something, I can't remember, random 07 schoolgirl anime...

Avatar for ShiNN

15 years, 5 months ago


Nat, did you get this artbook from Yahoo Japan Auctions or from an online shop (amazon, etc.)?

Avatar for nat

15 years, 5 months ago


I bought it off of Toranoana using a deputy service, and it's actually still available on the site :D

Avatar for ShiNN

15 years, 5 months ago


Haha, before you replied I actually went and told the Crescent Shop guys to get it from there. It looks like there's a few copies left. :X

Avatar for angel-voice

15 years, 5 months ago


It wouldn't be on my "must have" list but it looks quite good. Nice art and I like that some pics are on a white background. Sure it looks much better with a nice background instead of just white but I've seen a lots of artbooks with amazing artworks on just plain white backgrounds.